Friday, January 30, 2009

Butt N' Gut

Oh, the dreaded standard "on your back" sit-up! Who doesn't like these?! It seems that the only way to workout your abs is by doing hundreds of sit-ups. But I found that there are a whole bunch of "off your back" exercises that you can do to work your abdominal muscles. Exercises that you can do while at work, and not look like a dork by lying on the floor. Can you just imagine doing some upward hip thrusts only to have your boss walk in on you in your office? And forget about it if you have a small little cubicle-hole.

If you're super lazy, have you seen those machines that do your ab workout for you? Little electrodes that make your muscles contract and relax at pre-set intervals.

And what about those saddlebags? How do you really work those out? The only workout that I've seen is by lying on your side and swinging your leg way high up in the air. Of course, you can add some resistance bands to help tone the area. Roller blading might also work out those areas as well, but first you've got to get used to being on those in-line roller skates! In my younger days, I could blade for miles. Now I feel like a 5 year old getting on a pair of "quads" for the first time. Taking little baby glides. Not gonna workout the ol' saddle bags with baby glides.

Another study shows that by turning off the AC will help the saddlebags. Maybe this is why I feel thin and skinny during the summer months when I ride my motorcycle.

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